Filter By Dimensions Chip Brush
- 100-13
- 100-12
- 100-10
- 80-10
- 80-8
- 80-6
- 60-6
Filter By mm
- 300
- 250
- 200
- 152
- 150
- 146
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- 133
- 127
- 121
- 114
- 111
- 108
- 105
- 102
- 98
- 95
- 92
- 89
- 86
- 83
- 79
- 76
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- 14
Filter By Category
- Bandsaw Blades (1)
- Bandsaw Accessories (1)
- Drilling, Cutting & Punching (1)
- Holesaws (1)
- Hand Tools (6)
- Handtools (6)
Filter By Stock
- In Stock (8)
The mission of Bahco is to provide the most valued productivity solutions in the world.
In the day-to-day life of a professional craftsman, there are three vital sources of energy: expertise, professional pride and the right tools. It is absolutely essential that the tools always work, even when the job is difficult, bordering on impossible.
Bahco professional tools are used in a wide range of trades the world over. This is our contribution to creating productivity solutions through efficiency, safety and job satisfaction.
The total assortment of products Bahco offer includes more than 7000 items of professional hand tools like metal cutting saws, files and rotary burrs, wrenches and spanners, sockets and accessories, torque tools, impact tools and bits, screwdrivers, pliers, automotive special tools, electronics and fine mechanical pliers, extractors, refrigeration tools, tool storage, woodworking tools, pruning tools and forestry hand tools.